Strip & Dip 2 0 2 4
8th June 2024
Meagheramore Beach, Co. Wicklow

Welcome to Strip and Dip 2024 our 11th Strip and Dip in Maghermore Beach, Wicklow

what people say
Being surrounded by naked women all ages, all shapes & all sizes, each of us with our own story, touched by cancer directly or indirectly or whether it was something else going on in our lives, there most definitely was a judgement made by me .....and it was how flippin amazing each & every one of those women were. Ladies with messages written on their bodies that brought tears to my eyes. How brave to bear all amongst people they’ve never met, how exposed we all felt!! But that exposure made us feel comforted in a juxtaposition way. Taking part in the dip, along with some of my best friends was one of the best things I’ve ever done in my life! We were anxious, nervous, giddy, didn’t know what to expect. The sense of liberation and support I felt was indescribable .... Deirdre Featherstone - if we could bottle that feeling & sell it, there would be hundreds of Aoibheann’s Lighthouses built!!
"Lilo, Cookie & Me": The 9th June 2018 is a day I will never forget as long as I live! I had arranged to meet Lilo & Cookie (aka Louise & Barbara) in Rathnew. It was one of those gloriously sunny days that we don't get very often in Ireland - there wasn't a single cloud in the sky. The three of us travelled in Lilo's car to Magheramore beach - we passed through Wicklow town and could hear the whoopin' and hollerin' from outside the Grand Hotel. We made our minds up there and then "next year we're making a weekend of it!" We got to the field above the beach where there was a carnival atmosphere (think Women's Mini-Marathon meets Electric Picnic!). We got our skinny-dip T-shirts and put on our funny, colourful wigs. When we stood at the top of the path and looked down at the beach it was the most beautiful sight - we couldn't wait to get down there! We made our way down and stood at the front of Row 34 - we chatted, we laughed and we sang with newfound friends. Finally we got the signal to go into the water - I bolted like a greyhound out of the traps (Lilo & Cookie told me afterwards that they thought I'd be in Wales before they even got in the water!). I don't think there are words to describe that dip - it was exhilerating, liberating, invigorating and so much more. We went back to Rathnew and sat in the sunshine at a picnic table outside the shop and we each had a 99 ice-cream and a coffee and reflected on what was a perfect but extraordinary day. Unfortunately, Lilo lost her battle in January but Cookie & me will be there on 8th June along with 10 of our friends to honour our dear friend - and we're making a weekend of it!
I have been doing The Stip and Dip since 2014 , and I couldn't recommend it enough. On the drive down to my frist dip I was thinking what are you doing ? You are going to strip in front of strangers and run into the sea have you gone mad ? I really didn't know if I would actually do it when I got there but when I walked onto the beach and seen all those amazing brave women of all shapes and sizes I just dropped my robe and joined them . It was the best experience of my life and has changed me in so many ways, I have met so many wonderful new friends and have done things I never taught i could do ie "Sea of Change Choir " . I would advise everyone to come join us in June it will be a day you will never forget.
I have been dipping with the ladies since the very beginning in 2013 at the time myself and my friend went up for the craic to see what it was all about !I have to admit i was bricking it to take my clothes off infront of i think there was 50 plus women there but i have to say the craic and the laughs we had that day has kept bringing me back! To see so many brave ladies after what they had been thru not give a toss whether they had boobs half boobs or wonky boobs ! Its a feeling like no other on the day it really makes you feel you are part of something soo special ❤ I hope in 30 yrs were still getting naked together ?❤
So last year was my first dip and it was the most liberated life changing event I ever done. What started out doing on my own ended with meeting the most amazing ladies and new friends. To hear the stories of the most strongest women and their journeys.. you are all inspirations to me. I suffered with post natal depression and anxiety after the birth of my 3rd child and doing the dip was my self challenge for 2018. Can’t wait for this year and all the years to come. ?
Took part in my first ever Dip last year - thought it would be a bit of craic, and loved the idea of being part of a Guinness World Record Attempt. Couldn't convince any of my friends to brave it, so travelled down from Donegal on my own. Turned out be one of THE most amazing, emotional, inspirational, liberating experiences I've ever had. And the bonds & friendships made that day will last a lifetime. (Not to mention the pride of having photos of my arse plastered all over the media! ?). An incredible confidence builder, so many laughs, and so much money raised for such a fantastic cause. ❤️??? #KickingTheShiteOutOfCancer
My first dip was June 2018, I did it cause my sis in law convinced me. On the day I was very apprehensive, anxious, thinking about my size, this bag hanging out of my tummy that I have to pooh In, wondering where will i look when were all there naked. By God was I surprised it was the most amazing, emotional, liberating thing I've ever done, I laughed, I cried but by God I loved it. Its something every woman should try, at least once in there life. I've got the bug now and can't wait for next one. Antoinette Cosgrave #nocolonstillrollin
I was honoured to have attended the record breaking dip as my first experience. I travelled with friends from Southend and can honestly say spent one of the best weekends of my life. Having been diagnosed in 2010 I was honoured to show my scars along with all 5500 others on that beach. I am one of the lucky ones who’s life has moved on into the sunshine and I never felt that more than that amazing day on the beach. I still fill with tears as I think back and rest assured our flights are booked for this year. So thank you from the bottom of my heart allowing me to share in this wonderful day. See you all soon girls xxxxxx Heather Serjeant. Southend.Essex. England.
I flew from Australia to take part in the Strip & Dip and to support one of my best friends who organized what became a world record breaking event and which also became one of the most exhilarating and liberating days of my life. I also travelled to be with family as we scattered the ashes of my parents on their wedding anniversary - both mum and dad passed from cancer. The Strip & Dip was mad craic and it was very moving - I lost all my inhibitions - it was a day of joy, filled with fun and laughter, singing and dancing and sunshine! It was about raising money for a wonderful charity but there was the bonus of reconnecting with family, with old friends and making lovely new friends - it was a truly amazing experience and I feel so proud to have been part of it ❤️
Did my first dip last june was dreading stripping off I was worried about showing of my privates but as I had begged so friends to do it with me I couldn’t back out it was my challenge and I was gonna feel the fear and do it anyway when I arrived at the beach people were naked and painting each other and sipping. Bubbly and eating strawberries I had brought these stick on emeralds from penny’s and proceeded to stick them on to my below bits under my dressing gown after looking at the bravery of the women with cancer battle scars I realized how silly I was so I lay back and my friends put their hands to task of bejeweling my spongy soft body i had intended to go to gym but didn’t quite make it I stood up and I can honestly say it’s the first time in my life I’ve been naked in front of a woman never mind thousands it felt amazing and when we sang songs on the beach waiting for the endless trail of brave women walking towards the beach we all became beautiful no matter what shape size color we were one dancing buck naked on the warm sand then holding hands rushing into the sea was so lovely and I can honestly say it was the most empowering and beautiful experience of my life something incredible had just happened and I was sooo proud to be a part of it so thanks Dee and all the thousands of women who were brave enough to feel the fear and do it anyway can’t wait for this years ♥️
I did my first dip last year on my own I did it for my sister who passed away in June 2018 after fighting as brain tumour for 18th years. I was so nervous even up to the night before I wasn't going to go. I woke up the morning of the dip and said if I don't do it now I never will. So off I went not only was I not alone I had my sister with me all the way but every one I talked to made me feel like family meet some beautiful lady's that I still text today. Can't wait for June to cone alone. I will be going down on my own again this year but know that all my friends will be there as everyone made you feel that you belong.xx
Did this for my mum and dad who both passed from cancer. I also did it for myself for my freedom as a woman. Standing on a beach and swimming in a sea with all thoes wondeful women. Seeing the names of loved ones on their skin. Catching the fear before the reveals and then seeing the expression of absolute liberation in their eyes when they finally let it all hang out. Eventually it was like a massive hen party on a beach, singing ,dancing laughing and waiting for the cold water to cool us down. While we let it all lose. Not 9ne w9men the same so many different beautiful butts and boobs . And not one women feeling uncomfortable or not safe...We were safer than we had ever felt surrounded by other women feeling exactly the same. The tears that came from me on this day as we all swam and sang the chorus "ole ole ole " . The tears were straight from my soul. Like this was something it had experienced before. Many lifetimes ago in a time when women always came together in this way . Something it thought it would never experience again. Women together free and liberated create a most electric ripple that effects every individual who was part of it. Propelling us in our confidence, strenght and energy for living. This day is one of the most amazing I have had the pleasure to live...and I cannot wait for the next..wohooooooo!!!!!
check our previous strip and dip photos